Lesley Ward BSC, FCA


I graduated from Warwick University in 1987 with a first class honours degree in Accounting and Financial Analysis – and the realisation dawned that I was a born accountant!

I then qualified as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG – one of the biggest accountancy practices in the world.

Over the next six years, I obtained invaluable experience working on a diverse selection of clients ranging from sole traders right up to large plcs. My experience also covers many different industries including manufacturing, engineering, retail and services.

I worked in KPMG’s training department developing and delivering training on a wide variety of business related topics (fortunately not just accounting!). 

Because I also spent a number of years working in industry (including working as a VP of a division of a major bank and a Finance Director for a subsidiary of a major FTSE 100 company) I understand how a business operates in practice, rather than theory.

I use this knowledge and extensive commercial expertise to add value to the services we provide to clients. When I worked in industry, I transformed a loss making division into a healthy six figure profit within less than 2 years!

Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
BSc (First Class Hons) in Accounting and Finance

Outside of work: My favourite hobby is reading which is coupled with my least favourite hobby of going to the gym!

Pet hate: school holidays!

Favourite band: Glen Campbell (OK - not a band but I love him anyway!)

If I was a superhero I would be: Catwoman - OK I'd never wear the outfit but I've got 4 cats!
