Avoiding an HMRC enquiry

With costs for HMRC's Making Tax Digital running over Budget, there is mounting pressure for increased tax receipts. So aside from the harsh new penalty regime for non-compliance, HMRC are also refocusing on tax enquiries. In this article we'll advise you how to increase your chances of avoiding an HMRC enquiry.  

Avoiding an HMRC enquiry

There's no bulletproof method of avoiding an HMRC enquiry, there's some steps you can take to lower the risk.

Ensure you meet HMRC compliance deadlines

The first way of avoiding an HMRC enquiry is to file your tax returns and pay any tax on time. Although it can be a chore dealing with your tax return, it doesn’t get easier if you leave it too late. What's more, if you have a record of poor compliance this will be a proverbial red flag to HMRC. Therefore it will make an enquiry more likely.

Review income/expense ratios

HMRC have previously used their Business Economic Notes (BEN's) and Tactical Information Packages (TIP's) as guidelines. So these would typically cover income/expense ratios for various sectors. These enable HMRC to consider any anomalies outside the usual parameters and opening an enquiry might be appropriate. 

Unfortunately these publications have now been archived, so it's not easy to gain insight into HMRC's approach to profit anomalies. However, where a trend points to an unusual profit ratio, HMRC will suspect that incorrect costs have been included. For example, sundry expenses that are personal costs etc.

Keep accurate records

Maintaining meticulous and up-to-date records of all your financial transactions, means you're unlikely to come unstuck with HMRC. Therefore well-organised records provide a clear trail of your financial activities. Thus making it easier to respond to any HMRC enquiry with accurate information.

Ensure your information is complete

Along with keeping accurate financial records it is obviously important to file complete information within your accounts and tax returns. So this means carefully checking the information supplied to your adviser ensuring no omission. For example, typical errors include omitting details of child benefit claimed, student loans and interest received on bank accounts.

Review for yearly consistency

One of the checks that the HMRC's IT system is set up to search for is unusual trends in income and expenditure on a yearly basis. Whilst frequently there may be year on year profit fluctuations in your business, anything that is exceptional may be considered worthy of further examination. 

So ideally you should have a consistent yearly pattern. Equally importantly where your profits  deviate significantly from the usual norm, then the rationale for this should be properly documented.

Use Reliable Accounting Software

Utilise reputable online accounting software to track your finances - for example FreeAgent or Xero. Besides, HMRC consider the bank as the primary source of a business's financial records. Most online software operates using direct feeds from your business bank account. Therefore this helps minimise errors and improve the accuracy of your financial reporting generally.

Make a detailed disclosure - where appropriate

There are sections in the tax return itself, to allow for further written clarification of any unusual or one-off transactions included. So a good adviser will know what transactions require this form of disclosure and then provide suitable wording to enable HMRC to understand matters.

As mentioned previously HMRC's systems are programmed to spot anomalies or fluctuations in a tax return which has been submitted to them. However, as a general rule before a full Enquiry is launched, HMRC will undertake a manual review of a tax return to look for obvious explanations causing HMRC's  computer to focus on your tax return. So the correct disclosure of any anomaly on your tax return might prevent the start of an HMRC enquiry into your tax affairs.

Avoid submitting an amended tax return - where possible

Once a tax return has been filed, try not to revise the tax return unless there is a significant tax impact. Additionally avoid adding trivial amounts of extra expenses. What's more, once the original submission has been made. HMRC tend to look more at amended tax returns because they feel there is an increased risk of error than in a return that didn’t need to be amended. However, we would stress that an amendment of tax return in isolation is unlikely to prompt an HMRC enquiry. 

Try not to use estimated figures

Although the tax code in the UK is well regimented compared to some other jurisdictions, HMRC are pragmatic. So they do recognise that estimates and judgements are necessary on occasion. However, these estimates should always be of a ‘reasonable’ nature, which is where a good adviser can be useful.

If you do get an enquiry try not to get another

If you do receive a tax enquiry notice from HMRC it's good practice to respond promptly, provide all the information requested, and answer any questions in a straightforward manner. So if it's handled correctly, it’s unlikely that HMRC will raise a subsequent enquiry for a long time. What's more HMRC are unlikely to target you again unless something changes significantly.

Conversely, if the enquiry goes badly, HMRC can charge additional tax, interest, and punitive penalties (especially if you're deemed to be non-cooperative). So if it goes particularly wrong you might be placed on HMRC's  Managing Serious Defaulters’ programme, Additionally HMRC can then ‘enquire’ into every filing you make for 5 years. This should therefore be avoided if at all possible!

Use an adviser

Last and by no means least, using a suitably qualified adviser to handle your tax return is likely to reduce the risk of an enquiry. What's more HMRC consider there is less likelihood of errors, omissions etc when your tax return is prepared by a professionally qualified accountant or tax adviser!

For more useful information, check out our Ebooks here.

And if you'd like to know how we can help you with all of this, or with anything else, feel free to give us a call on 01202 048696 or email us at [email protected].

Alternatively, please feel free to complete our Business Questionnaire here.

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