How one picture doubled sales
I wrote in another blog about how one word doubled the amount of sales of shampoo.
In this blog I'm going to tell you about a picture that had exactly the same effect.
And, again, this may be marketing folklore but I really hope it's true!
This time the story involves toothpaste.

Apparently you only need a pea sized amount of toothpaste for effective brushing - and that's certainly the amount recommended on children's toothpaste.
And in the old days, it seems most people were told only to use a small amount. And toothpaste packaging was mostly a box with writing on it.
However one toothpaste company decided to break the mould. They decided to show a toothbrush on their packaging - and they decided the toothbrush would have toothpaste squeezed liberally along the length of the brush.
Nothing else changed - just the picture. A picture which showed far more toothpaste being used than was needed.
And I'm not sure, but the packaging may still have advised a pea-sized amount.
However, people took more notice of the picture than the words.
And sales increased.
It just shows the power of pictures. So have a think about how you could use pictures in your marketing.