How not to do a mailshot

Richard and I received a letter from another firm of accountants the other day (we got one each on the same day).

They're not a competitor (they deal with multi-nationals and clients overseas).

But what was interesting was the content.

They started off well as they used our first names and spelt Richard's surname right - always a bonus!

However from then on in it went downhill. In the whole of the letter they used the words 'we', 'us' and 'our' over 30 times. And the word 'you'? Well, that was only used 3 times.

Now that's like having a conversation with a friend who only talks about themselves. How soon will you get fed up? Very quickly.

And other than letting us know about the 'exciting changes' at their company (basically a name change) there was nothing else.

No offer. No PS. No call to action.

So they must have spent £'000s on a letter sent to people who really don't care.

And worse still, they didn't give any of those people a reason to care.

Now it wouldn't have cost them any more to have sent a mailshot which hit its mark.

One focussed on the customer.  With an offer.  And with a PS.

Now ​those sorts of tips are covered in the Business Growth System newsletter.  And if you're signed up to our mailing list you get access to 6 free copies.  Just look out for the emails with the link.

And in the newsletter, Steve Hackney (who has over 17 years experience) does a step by step analysis of a marketing piece each month.  Showing you how to avoid the mistakes our competitor made.  So you can make sure your marketing hits the spot.

To sign up for our emails, just go to our home page and complete the sign up box - job done.  ​

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