Do you really need a bookkeeper?

The simple fact for many busy business owners these days is that the old fashioned way of bookkeeping just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Barbara the bookkeeper popping into your office once a month, to process information on a piece of software that no-else has a clue how to use, is a pointless and expensive exercise!

Today, businesses expect and want more – they’d also prefer to pay less for this service.

We encourage our clients to use online accounting software - we recommend both Xero and FreeAgent depending on your your business model. They're simple to use and you can get to grips with either of them in a matter of minutes.  However you can always speak to us or use our online training portal if you really do get stuck.

So what are the benefits of using online software?

Well, you can log in anytime and get real time information, so no more waiting for Barbara the bookkeeper to turn up later on in the month.

You also have the ability to integrate with other programmes so you scan/email/post your receipts and invoices (using your smartphone) that are processed on the move - again no more hanging around until the end of the month.

And you’ve got so much information at the click of a button - answers to really important questions such as “Have I been paid?”, “Have we billed this customer?” and “What was that invoice for?”.

With simple reporting, you can also make important decisions for your business, such as whether you can afford another member of staff, a larger office, or even a faster car (OK, we’re not sure if the latter is quite so important – unless your Jeremy Clarkson).

Because you don't need to be a financial guru, you therefore don't need a bookkeeper.

Then there’s the money factor - online software is obviously less expensive than paying Barbara however many days a week.

All you really need is someone to make life easier and to be there to talk to about your finances on a daily/weekly/monthly basis (which we’re ideally placed to help you with!).

So why don’t you kiss goodbye to the old fashioned way and get in touch with [email protected] to see how we could make your life easier. Or you can simply give us a call on 01202 048696 (just because we use modern technology doesn’t mean we’ve lost the personal touch!).

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Why Friendly

We work with businesses and contractors/freelancers who want to embrace the world of online software and the benefits this brings. Using technology to help our clients is at the core of everything we do.

So if you'd like to find out more, just give a call or drop us an email - no hard sell.

Just friendly, professional advice!

Who we are

We're a small team with over 50 years experience of working with small businesses.

So we're in a unique position to understand the challenges that you face every day in your business.

And what's more, we're fully professionally qualified so you can be sure that your affairs are in safe hands.

Copyright 2016 by TFA Accountants Limited