Are you making this mistake?

I popped into our local Tesco Express the other day (I do all the cooking in our house - Lesley has many fine qualities but her cooking ability isn't one of them!).  Anyway, I only wanted a few items so no point visiting the big store.

Our local Tesco Express is only small and has two traditional tills and one self-service.

There were about 6 people queuing for the one traditional till which was open - but no-one at the self-service.

​Now I love the convenience of the self-service - and I always use the scan as you shop at our main Tescos.

So I nipped to the self-service till and was finished before the first person in the queue.

What was interesting was that most of the people in the queue were in the​ir 30's and 40's - so not exactly the 'technophobe' generation (apologies if I've offended any senior citizens).

​Though what was even more intriguing was that after I used the self-service a few others followed suit.

So what mistake am I talking about, apart from queing at the wrong checkout?

Well, all too often we assume that others think like us - and will happily see the benefits of doing things differently and in new ways.  Whereas the reality is often they need convincing - normally by the advantages being demonstrated to them.

So if you're trying to sell something new and different to your customer, make sure you can spell out ​the benefits - something we work very hard to do with our clients. 

Everything we do for our clients is done online from the bookkeeping software to signing off accounts.  This means it saves them hours of time and makes their life so much easier - no more boring paper and envelopes stuffed with receipts!  

However whilst some clients embrace our use of modern technology, some still need to be convinced - fortunately our only failure so far is our oldest client who is 84 - and she's allowed to prefer paper and pen!

So if you're interested in discovering how a switched on, technology savvy accountant can help your business and make life easier, drop me an email at [email protected] or phone me on 01202 048696.​

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Why Friendly

We work with businesses and contractors/freelancers who want to embrace the world of online software and the benefits this brings. Using technology to help our clients is at the core of everything we do.

So if you'd like to find out more, just give a call or drop us an email - no hard sell.

Just friendly, professional advice!

Who we are

We're a small team with over 50 years experience of working with small businesses.

So we're in a unique position to understand the challenges that you face every day in your business.

And what's more, we're fully professionally qualified so you can be sure that your affairs are in safe hands.

Copyright 2016 by TFA Accountants Limited